Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Quick Malware Analysis: ICEDID BOKBOT infection pcap from 2023-07-25

Thanks to Brad Duncan for sharing this pcap from 2023-07-25 on his malware traffic analysis site! Google currently has a warning for the site, so we're not including the actual hyperlink but it should be easy to find.

We did a quick analysis of this pcap on the NEW Security Onion 2.4. If you'd like to follow along, you can do the following:

The screenshots at the bottom of this post show some of the interesting alerts, metadata logs, and session transcripts. Want more practice? Check out our other Quick Malware Analysis posts at:

About Security Onion

Security Onion is a versatile and scalable platform that can run on small virtual machines and can also scale up to the opposite end of the hardware spectrum to take advantage of extremely powerful server-class machines.  Security Onion can also scale horizontally, growing from a standalone single-machine deployment to a full distributed deployment with tens or hundreds of machines as dictated by your enterprise visibility needs. To learn more about Security Onion, please see:

Do you want to deploy the new Security Onion 2.4 to your enterprise but need training? We just announced a new class with 10% discount:

Do you want to deploy Security Onion to your enterprise and want the best enterprise hardware? Here are the top 5 reasons to purchase appliances from Security Onion Solutions:


First, we start with the overview of all alerts and logs:

Next, let's focus on just the alerts:

Let's look at the Win32/IcedID Request alerts:

Both of these alerts are for the same TCP stream, so let's take a look at the full packet capture for that stream:

Now let's switch to the ASCII transcript:

Next, let's review all of the protocol metadata:

Let's begin our tour of the protocol metadata with HTTP:

One of these HTTP transactions is a 302 redirect:

Next let's review DNS lookups:

Next let's look at SSL logs:

Notice that there's an interesting organization name of "Stark Industries Solutions Ltd" with 2 interesting domain names:

If we switch to Zeek Notices we see that the Stark Industries certificates were self-signed:

Here's an overview of all connections:

If we sort those connections by client.ip_bytes, we will find one client connection that transferred much more data than the others:

We can then drill into that connection:

Pivoting to PCAP, we see evidence that this is VNC:

We can then download the PCAP and open it in NetworkMiner (included in Security Onion Desktop). The Images tab shows what was transferred via VNC:

We can then open those images to get a sense of what was happening via VNC:

Back in NetworkMiner, we can go to the Parameters tab and see the keystrokes for being sent over VNC:

10% Early Bird discount for Security Onion Fundamentals for Analysts & Admins Class in March 2024!

We've scheduled the next run of our 4-day Security Onion Fundamentals for Analysts & Admins class!

Use promo code earlybird by January 16, 2024 to receive 10% off!

For more details and to register, please see:

If you have any questions about this class, please use the Contact link on the bottom of the Eventbrite page.

For other training options, please see:

Monday, December 18, 2023

Security Onion 2.4.40 Sneak Peek!

We recently concluded our 2.4 Feature o' the Day series:

That series did not include every new feature in 2.4 and there are more waiting for you to discover in the current 2.4.30 version. Additionally, there are even more new features coming in future versions!

Security Onion 2.4.40 is coming soon and one of the new features is an updated version of SOC Grid with even more visibility into the health of your deployment. You can click the picture to see a larger version.

Compared to previous versions, there are new fields on the top row that show things like memory, storage, CPU, and network usage. In addition to those new metrics, when you expand the row and look at the Node Status section on the left it now includes additional metrics and visualizations.

You can read more about SOC Grid in our documentation:

Hardware Appliances

The screenshot shows what SOC Grid looks like when running on our SOS hardware appliances (notice the appliance pictures on the right). You can learn more about our hardware appliances at:

Migrating from 2.3 to 2.4

If you're still running Security Onion 2.3, please note that it reaches End Of Life on April 6, 2024:

If you would like to migrate your data from 2.3 to 2.4, you can find an overview of the process at:

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Security Onion 2.4 Feature o' the Day - Configure Zeek

Security Onion 2.4 includes lots of new features! SOC's new Configuration interface allows you to configure Zeek:

You can read more about this in our documentation:

More Security Onion 2.4 Features

To see other Security Onion 2.4 features, please see our other Feature o' the Day blog posts:

You can also check out our Release Notes:

Migrating from 2.3 to 2.4

If you're still running Security Onion 2.3, please note that it reaches End Of Life on April 6, 2024:

If you would like to migrate your data from 2.3 to 2.4, you can find an overview of the process at:

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Security Onion 2.4 Feature o' the Day - Configure Telegraf

Security Onion 2.4 includes lots of new features! SOC's new Configuration interface allows you to configure Telegraf:

Telegraf is used for InfluxDB and you can read more about this in our documentation:

More Security Onion 2.4 Features

To see other Security Onion 2.4 features, please see our other Feature o' the Day blog posts:

You can also check out our Release Notes:

Migrating from 2.3 to 2.4

If you're still running Security Onion 2.3, please note that it reaches End Of Life on April 6, 2024:

If you would like to migrate your data from 2.3 to 2.4, you can find an overview of the process at:

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Security Onion 2.4 Feature o' the Day - Configure Suricata

Security Onion 2.4 includes lots of new features! SOC's new Configuration interface allows you to configure Suricata:

You can read more about this in our documentation:

More Security Onion 2.4 Features

To see other Security Onion 2.4 features, please see our other Feature o' the Day blog posts:

You can also check out our Release Notes:

Migrating from 2.3 to 2.4

If you're still running Security Onion 2.3, please note that it reaches End Of Life on April 6, 2024:

If you would like to migrate your data from 2.3 to 2.4, you can find an overview of the process at:

Monday, December 11, 2023

Security Onion 2.4 Feature o' the Day - Configure Strelka

Security Onion 2.4 includes lots of new features! SOC's new Configuration interface allows you to configure Strelka:

You can read more about this in our documentation:

More Security Onion 2.4 Features

To see other Security Onion 2.4 features, please see our other Feature o' the Day blog posts:

You can also check out our Release Notes:

Migrating from 2.3 to 2.4

If you're still running Security Onion 2.3, please note that it reaches End Of Life on April 6, 2024:

If you would like to migrate your data from 2.3 to 2.4, you can find an overview of the process at:

Friday, December 8, 2023

Security Onion 2.4 Feature o' the Day - Configure Soctopus and Sigma

Security Onion 2.4 includes lots of new features! SOC's new Configuration interface allows you to configure Soctopus to adjust Sigma rules:

You can read more about this in our documentation:

More Security Onion 2.4 Features

To see other Security Onion 2.4 features, please see our other Feature o' the Day blog posts:

You can also check out our Release Notes:

Migrating from 2.3 to 2.4

If you're still running Security Onion 2.3, please note that it reaches End Of Life on April 6, 2024:

If you would like to migrate your data from 2.3 to 2.4, you can find an overview of the process at:

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Security Onion 2.4 Feature o' the Day - Configure SOC

Security Onion 2.4 includes lots of new features! SOC's new Configuration interface allows you to configure SOC:

You can read more about this in our documentation:

More Security Onion 2.4 Features

To see other Security Onion 2.4 features, please see our other Feature o' the Day blog posts:

You can also check out our Release Notes:

Migrating from 2.3 to 2.4

If you're still running Security Onion 2.3, please note that it reaches End Of Life on April 6, 2024:

If you would like to migrate your data from 2.3 to 2.4, you can find an overview of the process at:

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Security Onion 2.4.30 Hotfix 20231204 Now Available!

We recently released Security Onion 2.4.30 and a couple of hotfixes:

Today, we are releasing an additional hotfix which resolves some additional issues:


You can find our online documentation here:

Documentation is always a work in progress. If you find documentation that needs to be updated, please let us know as described in the Feedback section below.

New Installations

If this is your first time installing Security Onion 2.4, then we highly recommend starting with an IMPORT installation as shown at:

Once you’re comfortable with your IMPORT installation, then you can move on to more advanced installations as shown at:

Existing 2.4 Installations

If you have an existing Security Onion 2.4 installation, you can update to the latest version using soup:

Questions, Problems, and Feedback

If you have any questions or problems relating to Security Onion 2.4, please use the new 2.4 category at our Discussions site:

2.3 EOL

Security Onion 2.3 will reach End Of Life (EOL) on April 6, 2024:


Need training? Start with our free Security Onion Essentials training and then take a look at some of our other official Security Onion training!

Security Onion Solutions Hardware Appliances

We know Security Onion's hardware needs, and our appliances are the perfect match for the platform. Leave the hardware research, testing, and support to us, so you can focus on what's important for your organization. Not only will you have confidence that your Security Onion deployment is running on the best-suited hardware, you will also be supporting future development and maintenance of the Security Onion project!

4-month End Of Life (EOL) reminder for Security Onion 2.3

We recently announced the End Of Life (EOL) date for Security Onion 2.3:

2.3 EOL is now 4 months away. If you haven't already, please make plans to move to Security Onion 2.4. If you would like to migrate your data from 2.3 to 2.4, you can find an overview of the process at:

Security Onion 2.4 Feature o' the Day - Configure Sensoroni

Security Onion 2.4 includes lots of new features! SOC's new Configuration interface allows you to configure Sensoroni:

You can read more about this in our documentation:

More Security Onion 2.4 Features

To see other Security Onion 2.4 features, please see our other Feature o' the Day blog posts:

You can also check out our Release Notes:

Migrating from 2.3 to 2.4

If you're still running Security Onion 2.3, please note that it reaches End Of Life on April 6, 2024:

If you would like to migrate your data from 2.3 to 2.4, you can find an overview of the process at:

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Security Onion 2.4 Feature o' the Day - Configure Sensor Settings

Security Onion 2.4 includes lots of new features! SOC's new Configuration interface allows you to configure sensor settings:

You can read more about this in our documentation:

More Security Onion 2.4 Features

To see other Security Onion 2.4 features, please see our other Feature o' the Day blog posts:

You can also check out our Release Notes:

Migrating from 2.3 to 2.4

If you're still running Security Onion 2.3, please note that it reaches End Of Life on April 6, 2024:

If you would like to migrate your data from 2.3 to 2.4, you can find an overview of the process at:

Monday, December 4, 2023

Security Onion 2.4 Feature o' the Day - Configure Redis

Security Onion 2.4 includes lots of new features! SOC's new Configuration interface allows you to configure Redis:

You can read more about this in our documentation:

More Security Onion 2.4 Features

To see other Security Onion 2.4 features, please see our other Feature o' the Day blog posts:

You can also check out our Release Notes:

Migrating from 2.3 to 2.4

If you're still running Security Onion 2.3, please note that it reaches End Of Life on April 6, 2024:

If you would like to migrate your data from 2.3 to 2.4, you can find an overview of the process at:

Friday, December 1, 2023

Security Onion 2.4 Feature o' the Day - Configure Playbook

Security Onion 2.4 includes lots of new features! SOC's new Configuration interface allows you to configure Playbook:

You can read more about this in our documentation:

More Security Onion 2.4 Features

To see other Security Onion 2.4 features, please see our other Feature o' the Day blog posts:

You can also check out our Release Notes:

Migrating from 2.3 to 2.4

If you're still running Security Onion 2.3, please note that it reaches End Of Life on April 6, 2024:

If you would like to migrate your data from 2.3 to 2.4, you can find an overview of the process at:

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