Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Quick Malware Analysis: ICEDID (BOKBOT) with COBALT STRIKE pcap from 2022-10-17

Thanks to Brad Duncan for sharing this pcap!

We did a quick analysis of this pcap on the latest version of Security Onion via so-import-pcap:

The screenshots below show some of the interesting Suricata alerts, Zeek logs, and session transcripts.

About Security Onion

Security Onion is a versatile and scalable platform that can run on small virtual machines and can also scale up to the opposite end of the hardware spectrum to take advantage of extremely powerful server-class machines.  Security Onion can also scale horizontally, growing from a standalone single-machine deployment to a full distributed deployment with tens or hundreds of machines as dictated by your enterprise visibility needs.

To learn more about Security Onion, please see:

More Samples

Find all of our Quick Malware posts at:


Click the first image to start the screenshot tour:

NIDS alerts

Drilling into an interesting NIDS alert for HTTP traffic and pivoting to full packet capture

ASCII transcript for HTTP alert

Overview of all network metadata

HTTP metadata

File transfer metadata

x509 certificate metadata

Zeek Notices for invalid SSL certificates

DNS metadata

SSL metadata

Connection metadata

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Security Onion 2.3.181 Now Available!

We recently released Security Onion 2.3.180:

Today, we are releasing 2.3.181 with some additional fixes:

New Installations

If you want to perform a new installation, please review the documentation and then you can find instructions here:

Existing 2.3 Installations

If you haven't yet updated to 2.3.180, then you should review all links at the top of this post so that you are aware of all recent changes.

WARNING! If you have an existing Security Onion 2.3 installation and update to Security Onion 2.3.140 or higher, the Elastic components will undergo a major version upgrade to version 8. Please review and follow the steps at the link below. Failure to do so could result in loss of access to all data stored inside of Elastic and a non-functioning Security Onion installation.

Please be aware that custom settings in Kibana may be overwritten during upgrade. We recommend that you test the upgrade process on a test deployment before deploying to production. If you have a distributed deployment, then we recommend monitoring SOC Grid while your update is running to verify that all nodes update properly. If there are issues, you can review logs, services, and containers for any additional clues. If you need help, please see our support information below.

If you have custom Elasticsearch templates, please see:

For more information about the update process, please see:

Security Onion 16.04

If you are still running Security Onion 16.04, please note that it is past End Of Life. Please take this opportunity to upgrade to Security Onion 2:

Questions or Problems

If you have questions or problems, please see our support options:

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Quick Malware Analysis: BB02 QAKBOT (QBOT) pcap from 2022-10-14

Thanks to Brad Duncan for sharing this pcap!

We did a quick analysis of this pcap on the latest version of Security Onion via so-import-pcap:

The screenshots below show some of the interesting Suricata alerts, Zeek logs, and session transcripts. We start with the Suricata alerts and then move onto Zeek metadata. Along the way, we find an interesting download over HTTP and use CyberChef to carve it out and determine the password for the file. Finally, we look at all connections including the destination country and organization name.

About Security Onion

Security Onion is a versatile and scalable platform that can run on small virtual machines and can also scale up to the opposite end of the hardware spectrum to take advantage of extremely powerful server-class machines.  Security Onion can also scale horizontally, growing from a standalone single-machine deployment to a full distributed deployment with tens or hundreds of machines as dictated by your enterprise visibility needs.

To learn more about Security Onion, please see:

More Samples

Find all of our Quick Malware posts at:


Click the first image to start the screenshot tour:

Suricata NIDS alerts

Zeek metadata

DNS lookup

X509 certificates

HTTP transactions

ASCII transcript for HTTP transaction

First HTTP transaction shows password that we'll use to open the downloaded file

Second HTTP transaction is a password-protected ZIP file

Opening the password-protected ZIP file using the password discovered earlier and extracting the embedded ISO image

Opening the ISO image

Interesting files inside the ISO image

CMD script from ISO image

Log of file transfers

SSL connections

Zeek notices for invalid SSL certs

All connections including destination country and organization name

Monday, October 17, 2022

Security Onion Documentation printed book now updated for Security Onion 2.3.180!

Many folks have asked for a printed version of our official online documentation and we're excited to provide that!  Whether you work on airgap networks or simply want a portable reference that doesn't require an Internet connection or batteries, this is what you've been asking for.

Thanks to Richard Bejtlich for writing the inspiring foreword!

Proceeds go to the Rural Technology Fund!

This 20221014 edition has been updated for Security Onion 2.3.180 and includes a 20% discount code for our on-demand training and certification!

This book covers the following Security Onion topics:

  • First Time Users
  • Getting Started
  • Security Onion Console (SOC)
  • Analyst VM
  • Network Visibility
  • Host Visibility
  • Logs
  • Updating
  • Accounts
  • Services
  • Customizing for Your Environment
  • Tuning
  • Tricks and Tips
  • Utilities

What is the difference between this book and the online documentation?

This book is the online documentation formatted specifically for print.  It also includes an inspiring foreword by Richard Bejtlich that is not available anywhere else!  Proceeds go to the Rural Technology Fund!  Finally, the printed book includes a 20% discount code for our on-demand training and certification.

Who should get this book?

You should get this book if you work on airgap networks or simply want a portable reference that doesn't require an Internet connection or batteries! Also anyone who wants to donate to a worthy cause like Rural Technology Fund!

What is the difference between this edition and the previous edition?

This edition has been updated for Security Onion 2.3.180!

Where do we get it?

Security Onion 2.3.180 now available including Elastic 8.4.3, Suricata 6.0.8, Zeek 5.0.2, and new and improved Sysmon dashboards!

Security Onion 2.3.180 is now available! It updates Elastic, Suricata, and Zeek and adds new and improved Sysmon dashboards:

New and Improved Sysmon Dashboards

We've improved our existing Sysmon Overview dashboard and added several new Sysmon dashboards for registry, DNS, process, file, and network logs! You can read more about our Sysmon integration in our documentation. If you just want to quickly experience our Sysmon integration, you can do a quick Import installation following the screenshots at the end of this blog post and then use so-import-evtx to import some Sysmon evtx files from public samples or your own personal collection.

Sysmon Overview

Sysmon Registry

Sysmon DNS

Sysmon Process

Sysmon File

Sysmon Network

Zeek 5.0.2

In this release, we are updating from Zeek 4.0.9 to Zeek 5.0.2. Zeek 5.0.2 includes changes to SSL and X509 logging to avoid a lot of duplicate data and thus save space. However, when you go to the SSL or X509 dashboards, things will look different. For example, on the SSL dashboard, the Issuer and Subject aggregations will be blank because those fields are no longer in the Zeek SSL log. The Issuer and Subject fields are still in the Zeek X509 log so you can find them on the X509 dashboard. However, Zeek now only logs a given X509 cert once per day. The de-duplication saves space but keep in mind that overall X509 volume will be lower.

These changes first appeared in Zeek 4.1.0 so please review those release notes for further information:

For completeness, you may also want to review the changes for Zeek 4.2.0 and 5.0.0:


You can find our documentation here:

Documentation is always a work in progress and some documentation may be missing or incorrect. Please let us know if you notice any issues.

New Installations

If you want to perform a new installation, please review the documentation and then you can find instructions here:

Existing 2.3 Installations

WARNING! If you have an existing Security Onion 2.3 installation that hasn't yet been updated to version 2.3.140 or higher, then you should be aware that the Elastic components will undergo a major version upgrade to version 8. Please review and follow the steps at the link below. Failure to do so could result in loss of access to all data stored inside of Elastic and a non-functioning Security Onion installation.

Please be aware that custom settings in Kibana may be overwritten during upgrade. We recommend that you test the upgrade process on a test deployment before deploying to production. If you have a distributed deployment, then we recommend monitoring SOC Grid while your update is running to verify that all nodes update properly. If there are issues, you can review logs, services, and containers for any additional clues. If you need help, please see our support information below.

If you have custom Elasticsearch templates, please see:

For more information about the update process, please see:

AWS Marketplace

For new Security Onion 2 installations on AWS, Security Onion 2.3.180 will soon be available on AWS Marketplace via the official Security Onion 2 AMI:

AMI Documentation:

Existing Security Onion 2 AMI users should use the "soup" command to upgrade:

Azure Marketplace

For new Security Onion 2 installations on Azure, Security Onion 2.3.180 will soon be available on the Azure Marketplace!

Azure Documentation:

Existing Security Onion 2 users on Azure should use the "soup" command to upgrade:

Security Onion 16.04 EOL

As a reminder, Security Onion 16.04 has reached End Of Life (EOL):

If you're still running Security Onion 16.04, please see the following for upgrade options:

Questions or Problems

If you have questions or problems, please see our community support forum guidelines:

You can then find the community support forum at:


Lots of love went into this release!

Special thanks to all our folks working so hard to make this release happen!

  • Josh Brower
  • Jason Ertel
  • Wes Lambert
  • Josh Patterson
  • Mike Reeves


Need training? Start with our free Security Onion Essentials training and then take a look at some of our other official Security Onion training!

Hardware Appliances

We know Security Onion's hardware needs, and our appliances are the perfect match for the platform. Leave the hardware research, testing, and support to us, so you can focus on what's important for your organization. Not only will you have confidence that your Security Onion deployment is running on the best-suited hardware, you will also be supporting future development and maintenance of the Security Onion project!

Screenshot Tour

If you want the quickest and easiest way to try out Security Onion 2, just follow the screenshots below to install an Import node and then optionally enable the Analyst Workstation. This can be done in a minimal VM with only 4GB RAM! For more information, please see:

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