Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Suggestions for the Security Onion LiveCD

I'm currently working on the next version of the Security Onion LiveCD. What specific packages/features would you like to see added to the Security Onion LiveCD? Post a comment here or contact me on Twitter. Thanks!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Security Onion LiveCD 20090613

A new version of the Security Onion LiveCD is now available! Here's the changelog:

-All Xubuntu 9.04 updates as of 2009/06/13.

-Added JJ Cummings's pulledpork as an alternative to oinkmaster. All pulledpork files are in:

-Added Leon Ward's dumbpig for checking custom Snort rules:

-Added Bro IDS for Marcus J. Carey. All Bro files are in:

The Security Onion LiveCD can be downloaded from the following location:

UPDATE: Some ibiblio mirrors are showing an index page which contains no links. Here are the direct links to the ISO and MD5 file:

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Security Onion LiveCD is now available!

The Security Onion LiveCD is now available! You can download it from the following location:

What is it?
The Security Onion LiveCD is a bootable CD that contains software used for installing, configuring, and testing Intrusion Detection Systems.

What software does it contain?
The Security Onion LiveCD is based on Xubuntu 9.04 and contains Snort, Snort 3.0.0b3 (Beta), sguil, idswakeup, nmap, metasploit, scapy, hping, fragroute, fragrouter, netcat, paketto, tcpreplay, and many other security tools.

What can it be used for?
  • The Security Onion LiveCD can be used for Intrusion Detection. Simply boot the CD and double-click either the Snort-Sguil or SnortSP-Sguil desktop shortcuts. The Snort and Sguil daemons will then start, listening on eth0 for any suspicious traffic and creating alerts in the Sguil console.
  • The Security Onion LiveCD can be used to test an Intrusion Detection System. Simply boot the CD and use the included tools (such as nmap, metasploit, idswakeup, scapy, hping, and others) to test your existing IDS or to test the included Snort and Snort 3.0 Beta 3.
  • The Security Onion LiveCD can be used to install an Intrusion Detection System. Simply boot the CD and double-click the Install desktop shortcut. For more information about installation, please see the README desktop shortcut.
You can read more about the Security Onion LiveCD (and, specifically, the integration of Snort 3.0 and Sguil) in my SANS GCIA Gold Paper "Snort 3.0 Beta 3 for Analysts".

Please take a look at the Security Onion LiveCD and let me know what you think!

* Special thanks to:
  • Marty Roesch and the whole SourceFire team for all of their work these last 10 years to get Snort to where it is today.
  • The Sguil team for the best open-source tool to manage Snort alerts.
  • The SecurixLive crew for their awesome NSMnow installer, the easiest way to install and configure Snort/Sguil on Ubuntu Linux.
  • Ubuntu (and Debian) for their well-made Linux distribution(s).
  • The Reconstructor team for a very easy to use tool for remastering Ubuntu LiveCDs.
  • All developers in the open-source community who work so hard and produce such amazing tools.

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