Thursday, January 18, 2024

Top 5 Reasons to Sign Up for our 4-day Security Onion Fundamentals for Analysts & Admins Class in March 2024

Security Onion Solutions has been teaching Security Onion classes since 2014. Since that time, we've taught students around the globe to help them peel back the layers of their enterprise and make their adversaries cry!

Our next class is in March. Why should you sign up? Here are the top 5 reasons!

1. Amazing instructors

Our instructors are not like other instructors that just read from a slide deck. Security Onion Solutions instructors have years of experience in threat hunting, enterprise security monitoring, and log management. They have worked in real-world operational security roles, engineered monitoring strategies and solutions, and handled real-world incidents. They bring their practical experience to the classroom, enabling students in both theory and hands-on application to hunt adversaries in environments large and small.

2. Comprehensive course material and labs

As a student, you will receive over 300 pages of course material filled with tips and tricks to help you peel back the layers of your enterprise and make your adversaries cry. That amazing content is reinforced by the immersive real-world case studies.

3. Training for Security Onion 2.4

We recently released Security Onion 2.4 and it has lots of new features and improvements! This class will help you take advantage of all those new features.

4. We teach the only OFFICIAL training for Security Onion

Security Onion Solutions is the only official provider of Security Onion training. If you want the best training, get it from the company that developed the platform!

5. No travel required

This is a virtual class and so you can attend from anywhere. No travel required! The times are convenient for US Eastern Time and European timezones.

Bonus reason: Support development of the free and open platform

Security Onion has been a free and open platform since 2008. We've invested many years of development into making Security Onion even better at helping you peel back the layers of your enterprise and making your adversaries cry. If you purchase training from us, you are helping to cover the cost of developing and maintaining the Security Onion platform, now and in the future.

Sign up today

There are a limited number of seats for this amazing class and the registration deadline is February 15, 2024. Don't delay, reserve your seat today!

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