Friday, July 30, 2021

Quick Malware Analysis: pcaps from 2021-06-04

Thanks to Brad Duncan for sharing these pcaps!

We did a quick analysis of these pcaps on the latest version of Security Onion via so-import-pcap:

Here are some of the interesting Suricata alerts, Zeek logs, and session transcripts:

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Quick Malware Analysis: pcaps from 2021-06-15

Thanks to Brad Duncan for sharing this pcap!

We did a quick analysis of the pcap on the latest version of Security Onion via so-import-pcap:

Here are some of the interesting Suricata alerts, Zeek logs, and session transcripts:

Security Onion 2.3.61 MSEARCH Hotfix Now Available!

We recently released Security Onion 2.3.60, 2.3.61, and a few hotfixes:

Today, we are releasing a hotfix for Security Onion 2.3.61 with an additional fix:

This hotfix is only necessary for folks doing a MasterSearch installation with Elastic clustering enabled.

If you haven't updated recently, then you should review all blog posts linked above so that you are aware of all recent changes.

Internet-Connected Deployments

If your Security Onion deployment has Internet access, simply run "sudo soup" as described here:

Airgap Deployments

If you have an airgap deployment, download the new ISO image from the usual location:

Then follow the steps here:

Questions or Problems

If you have questions or problems, please see our community support forum guidelines:

You can then find the community support forum at:

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Quick Malware Analysis: pcaps from 2021-06-16

Thanks to Brad Duncan for sharing these pcaps!

We did a quick analysis of the pcaps on the latest version of Security Onion via so-import-pcap:

Here are some of the interesting Suricata alerts, Zeek logs, and HTTP transcripts:

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Security Onion 2.3.61 Hotfix for STENO and CSP Now Available!

We recently released Security Onion 2.3.60, 2.3.61, and a few hotfixes in between:

Today, we are releasing a hotfix for Security Onion 2.3.61 with some additional fixes:

If you haven't updated recently, then you should review the blog posts linked above so that you are aware of all recent changes.

Internet-Connected Deployments

If your Security Onion deployment has Internet access, simply run "sudo soup" as described here:

Airgap Deployments

If you have an airgap deployment, download the new ISO image from the usual location:

Then follow the steps here:

Questions or Problems

If you have questions or problems, please see our community support forum guidelines:

You can then find the community support forum at:

Quick Malware Analysis: pcap from 2021-06-17

Thanks to Brad Duncan for sharing this pcap!

We did a quick analysis of the pcap on the latest version of Security Onion via so-import-pcap:

Here are some of the interesting Suricata alerts, Zeek logs, and HTTP transcripts:

Monday, July 26, 2021

Quick Malware Analysis: pcap from 2021-06-18

Thanks to Brad Duncan for sharing this pcap!

We did a quick analysis of the pcap on the latest version of Security Onion via so-import-pcap:

Here are some of the Suricata alerts, Zeek logs, and HTTP transcripts:

Suricata alerts

Overview of all logs

DNS lookups

HTTP transactions grouped by port

HTTP Virtual Hosts

Windows EXE download via HTTP

SSL/TLS certificates

Windows EXE download

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Security Onion 2.3.61 Now Available!

We recently released Security Onion 2.3.60:

and a few hotfixes:

Today, we are releasing Security Onion 2.3.61 with some additional fixes and upgrades:

This includes Elastic 7.13.4 which resolves a security issue in previous Elastic releases:

If you haven't updated recently, then you should review the blog posts linked above so that you are aware of all recent changes.

Internet-Connected Deployments

If your Security Onion deployment has Internet access, simply run "sudo soup" as described here:

Airgap Deployments

If you have an airgap deployment, download the new ISO image from the usual location:

Then follow the steps here:

Questions or Problems

If you have questions or problems, please see our community support forum guidelines:

You can then find the community support forum at:

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Security Onion 2.3.60 Curator Auth Hotfix

We recently released Security Onion 2.3.60:

and a few hotfixes:

Today, we are releasing a Curator auth hotfix to resolve the issue described in the following discussion:

This hotfix is especially important if you are using Elastic authentication. If you have a new 2.3.60 installation, then Elastic authentication was enabled by default and you should install this hotfix. If you had an older installation that you updated to 2.3.60 and then manually enabled Elastic authentication using so-elastic-auth, then you should install this hotfix.

If you haven't updated recently, then you should review the blog posts linked above so that you are aware of all recent changes.

After updating, you can check the curator log at /opt/so/log/curator/curator.log to make sure that Curator is operating correctly.

Internet-Connected Deployments

If your Security Onion deployment has Internet access, simply run "sudo soup" as described here:

Airgap Deployments

If you have an airgap deployment, download the new 2.3.60-CURATORAUTH ISO image from the usual location:

Then follow the steps here:

Questions or Problems

If you have questions or problems, please see our community support forum guidelines:

You can then find the community support forum at:

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Security Onion 2.3.60 Filebeat Pipeline Hotfix

We recently released Security Onion 2.3.60:

and a heavy node pipeline hotfix:

Today, we are releasing a Filebeat pipeline hotfix to resolve the issue described in the following discussion:

If you haven't updated recently, then you should review the blog posts linked above so that you are aware of all recent changes.

Internet-Connected Deployments

If your Security Onion deployment has Internet access, simply run "sudo soup" as described here:

Airgap Deployments

If you have an airgap deployment, download the new 2.3.60-FBPIPELINE ISO image from the usual location:

Then follow the steps here:

Questions or Problems

If you have questions or problems, please see our community support forum guidelines:

You can then find the community support forum at:

Monday, July 12, 2021

Security Onion Documentation printed book now updated for Security Onion 2.3.60!

Many folks have asked for a printed version of our official online documentation and we're excited to provide that!  Whether you work on airgap networks or simply want a portable reference that doesn't require an Internet connection or batteries, this is what you've been asking for.

Thanks to Richard Bejtlich for writing the inspiring foreword!

Proceeds go to the Rural Technology Fund!

This 20210706 edition has been updated for Security Onion 2.3.60 and includes a 40% discount code for our on-demand training!

This book covers the following Security Onion topics:

  • Getting Started
  • Security Onion Console (SOC)
  • Analyst VM
  • Network Visibility
  • Host Visibility
  • Logs
  • Updating
  • Accounts
  • Services
  • Customizing for Your Environment
  • Tuning
  • Tricks and Tips
  • Utilities


What is the difference between this book and the online documentation?

This book is the online documentation formatted specifically for print.  It also includes an inspiring foreword by Richard Bejtlich that is not available anywhere else!  Proceeds go to the Rural Technology Fund!  Finally, the printed book includes a 40% discount code for our on-demand training.

Who should get this book?

You should get this book if you work on airgap networks or simply want a portable reference that doesn't require an Internet connection or batteries! Also anyone who wants to donate to a worthy cause like Rural Technology Fund!

What is the difference between this edition and the previous edition?

This edition has been updated for Security Onion 2.3.60!

Where do we get it?

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Security Onion 2.3.60 Heavy Node Hotfix

If you don't have any heavy nodes in your deployment, then you can ignore this blog post and hotfix. If you do have heavy nodes, please continue reading.

We were recently notified by Github user Sahale that heavy nodes are incorrectly sending logs to the manager:

We've put together a hotfix to correct heavy node pipelines. If you have any heavy nodes in your deployment, you will want to install this hotfix via the normal soup process. (If you weren't already on version 2.3.60, then soup will upgrade to 2.3.60 and install the hotfix.) If you're in an airgap environment, please see

Once your deployment is fully updated, you should then do the following on each heavy node.

Restart services:

sudo salt-call state.apply ssl queue=True

sudo so-redis-restart

sudo so-elasticsearch-stop

sudo so-filebeat-restart #(this may take a few minutes as module pipelines are loaded) 

sudo so-logstash-restart

Check to ensure the Redis input and output now reflect Logstash pushing to and pulling from Redis on the heavy node (check for heavy node host name):

sudo grep host /opt/so/conf/logstash/pipelines/manager/9999_output_redis.conf

sudo grep host /opt/so/conf/logstash/pipelines/search/0900_input_redis.conf

Ensure certificates for Redis and Elasticsearch reflect the correct `CN` value (heavy node host name):

sudo openssl x509 -in /etc/pki/elasticsearch.crt -text -noout | grep -E 'Subject.*CN'

sudo openssl x509 -in /etc/pki/redis.crt -text -noout | grep -E 'Subject.*CN'

Ensure no issues with Logstash connecting to Redis. Check /opt/so/log/logstash/logstash.log for SSL/TLS/Bad certificate errors, or errors with regard to missing pipelines. For example:

sudo tail -f /opt/so/log/logstash/logstash.log

Ensure Filebeat module pipelines are loaded:

sudo so-elasticsearch-pipelines-list | grep filebeat

Ensure data is flowing through the manager and search pipeline input/output for Redis (should see non-zero/count increasing):

sudo so-logstash-pipeline-stats manager | grep -C5 redis

sudo so-logstash-pipeline-stats search | grep -C5 redis

Ensure data is being written to local Elasticsearch indices (should see so-zeek, so-suricata, so-ossec indices, etc):

sudo so-elasticsearch-query  _cat/indices

Questions or Problems

If you have questions or problems, please see our community support forum guidelines:

You can then find the community support forum at:

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Security Onion 2.3.60 now available!

Last October, we released Security Onion 2.3:

Today, we are releasing Security Onion 2.3.60, which adds new features and resolves a few issues:

UPDATE 2021/07/02 10:11 AM - We've identified a few issues in this release and are working on releasing a hotfix. If you haven't already updated to 2.3.60, you may want to wait until we release the hotfix.

UPDATE 2021/07/02 11:34 AM - We've released the hotfix as 2.3.60-ECSFIX. If you had already updated to 2.3.60 via soup, you will want to run soup again to get 2.3.60-ECSFIX. If you had downloaded the 2.3.60 ISO image, you will want to download the new 2.3.60-ECSFIX ISO image.


Starting in Security Onion 2.3.60, we will support Elastic authentication. This means that you will authenticate to Elasticsearch and Kibana using the same username and password that you use for Security Onion Console (SOC). Please make sure you read and understand the following:


We now support official Filebeat modules:

Security Onion Console (SOC)

SOC has many improvements in this release:

  • The Alerts and Hunt pages have consolidated options into a new Options drop-down menu.
  • The Alerts and Hunt pages allow you to do a quick drilldown in some scenarios by clicking the value in the Count column.
  • The PCAP page allows you to select text with your mouse and then select where to send that text (for example, CyberChef) via context menu actions.
  • You can now manually change your timezone.


In this release, Grafana will have both high-resolution data and downsampled low-resolution data. Some Grafana graphs have dotted lines (trend lines) that show previous data that has been downsampled. High-resolution data will be purged after 30 days, leaving just the downsampled low-resolution data.

When upgrading an existing installation to Security Onion 2.3.60, Grafana will not show old data by default. You can update the data as shown here:


We covered some of these highlights in a YouTube video:


You can find our documentation here:

Documentation is always a work in progress and some documentation may be missing or incorrect. Please let us know if you notice any issues.

New Installations

If you want to perform a new installation, please review the 2.3 documentation and then you can find instructions here:

Existing 2.3 Installations

If you have an existing Security Onion 2.3 installation, please see:

AWS Marketplace

For new Security Onion 2 installations, version 2.3.60 will soon be available on AWS Marketplace via the official Security Onion 2 AMI:

AMI Documentation:

Existing Security Onion 2 AMI users should use the "soup" command to upgrade:

Security Onion 16.04 EOL

As a reminder, Security Onion 16.04 has reached End Of Life (EOL):

If you're still running Security Onion 16.04, please see the following for upgrade options:

Questions or Problems

If you have questions or problems, please see our community support forum guidelines:

You can then find the community support forum at:


Lots of love went into this release!

Special thanks to all our folks working so hard to make this release happen!

  • Josh Brower
  • Jason Ertel
  • Wes Lambert
  • Josh Patterson
  • Mike Reeves
  • Bryant Treacle
  • William Wernert


Need training? Start with our free Security Onion Essentials training and then take a look at some of our other official Security Onion training, including our new Detection Playbook class!

Hardware Appliances

We know Security Onion's hardware needs, and our appliances are the perfect match for the platform. Leave the hardware research, testing, and support to us, so you can focus on what's important for your organization. Not only will you have confidence that your Security Onion deployment is running on the best-suited hardware, you will also be supporting future development and maintenance of the Security Onion project!

Screenshot Tour

If you want the quickest and easiest way to try out Security Onion 2, just follow the screenshots below to install an Import node and then optionally enable the Analyst Workstation. This can be done in a minimal VM with only 4GB RAM!

Security Onion ISO Boot Menu

ISO Installation

ISO Installation Complete

After rebooting, login to start Setup

Setup Options

Choose the Setup type

Accept the Elastic License

Choose Standard or Airgap

Specify hostname

Setup checks for the common hostname of "securityonion"

Select management NIC

Configure management NIC

Configure networking

Configure networking

Configure networking

Configure networking

Initialize networking

Select direct connection to Internet or specify proxy

Select direct connection to Internet or specify proxy

Create user account

Set password

Confirm password

Choose how you want to access the web interface

Optionally configure ntp servers

Optionally configure ntp servers

Optionally run so-allow

Specify IP address or range to allow through firewall

Confirm options

Setup complete

After rebooting and logging in, optionally run so-analyst-install

so-analyst-install complete

Enter username to login to desktop

Enter password to login to desktop

Analyst desktop

Analyst install includes Chromium, NetworkMiner, Wireshark, and many other analysis tools

Log into Security Onion Console (SOC)

SOC Overview Page

Use so-import-pcap to import one or more pcap files

Use the hyperlink provided by so-import-pcap to view all alerts and logs

Find an interesting stream and pivot to full packet capture

Switch to PCAP transcript mode

Download the PCAP and open directly in NetworkMiner for file extraction

All this in a minimal VM with only 4GB RAM!

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