Thursday, May 28, 2020

Community Webinars featuring Security Onion

Thanks to all who attended the Zeek webinar on May 27! For those weren't able to join, the recording should be available soon and we will share the link when it is available. There may also be a follow-up Zeek webinar and we'll post those details when finalized.

UPDATE 2020/06/05 - The follow-up Zeek webinar has been confirmed and added to the list below!

UPDATE 2020/06/09 - The Zeek webinar recording has been posted!
Here are some other upcoming webinars you don't want to miss!

Wed, June 10, 2020
Correlating Host & Network Data w/ Community ID in Sec Onion Hybrid Hunter

Thur, June 11, 2020
Ask The Zeeksperts (follow up to previous Zeek From Home webinar)

Wed, June 17, 2020
Peel Back the Layers of Your Enterprise with Elastic and Security Onion Hybrid Hunter Beta

Hope to see you at one or more of these webinars!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Security Onion Hybrid Hunter 1.3.0 - Beta 2 Available for Testing!

In 2018, Security Onion Solutions started working on the next major version of Security Onion, code-named Hybrid Hunter:

Today we are proud to release Security Onion "Hybrid Hunter” 1.3.0 AKA Beta 2 and it has some amazing new features and improvements!

The biggest new feature in this release is a brand new web interface for hunting through your logs. Once you've logged into the Security Onion Console, click the Hunt link and then choose one of the many pre-defined queries in the drop-down or write your own using Onion Query Language (OQL).  OQL is based on standard Lucene query syntax and allows you to optionally specify one or more fields to group by. For a few examples, check out the screenshot tour at the bottom of this blog post. This is the first public release of this new interface and we are firm believers in "release early, release often". We have lots of ideas for the future of this tool, but we want to hear your ideas as well.

This release also includes a new Standalone installation option that runs all of the major components on one box. It's similar to Eval mode but has more capabilities beyond just doing a quick evaluation.

Finally, this update includes lots of improvements for parsers, visualizations, dashboards, and Elastic Common Schema (ECS) support. We've done lots of testing along the way and we're ready for you to do some testing and let us know what you think!

To read more and download Hybrid Hunter, please see:

If you have any questions about Hybrid Hunter, please post a message on our reddit community and prefix the title with [Hybrid Hunter]!

Major Highlights in this Release


  • New Feature: Codename: "Onion Hunt". Select Hunt from the menu and start hunting down your adversaries!
  • Improved ECS support.
  • Complete refactor of the setup to make it easier to follow.
  • Improved setup script logging to better assist on any issues.
  • Setup now checks for minimal requirements during install.
  • Updated Cyberchef to version 9.20.3.
  • Updated Elastalert to version 0.2.4 and switched to alpine to reduce container size.
  • Updated Redis to 5.0.9 and switched to alpine to reduce container size.
  • Updated Salt to 2019.2.5
  • Updated Grafana to 6.7.3.
  • Zeek 3.0.6
  • Suricata 4.1.8
  • Fixes so-status to now display correct containers and status.
  • local.zeek is now controlled by a pillar instead of modifying the file directly.
  • Renamed so-core to so-nginx and switched to alpine to reduce container size.
  • Playbook now uses MySQL instead of SQLite.
  • Sigma rules have all been updated.
  • Kibana dashboard improvements for ECS.
  • Fixed an issue where geoip was not properly parsed.
  • ATT&CK Navigator is now it's own state.
  • Standalone mode is now supported.
  • Mastersearch previously used the same Grafana dashboard as a Search node. It now has its own dashboard that incorporates panels from the Master node and Search node dashboards.

Known Issues:

  • The Hunt feature is currently considered "Preview" and although very useful in its current state, not everything works. We wanted to get this out as soon as possible to get the feedback from you! Let us know what you want to see! Let us know what you think we should call it!
  • You cannot pivot to PCAP from Suricata alerts in Kibana or Hunt.
  • Updating users via the SOC ui is known to fail. To change a user, delete the user and re-add them.
  • Due to the move to ECS, the current Playbook plays may not alert correctly at this time.
  • The osquery MacOS package does not install correctly.


Lots of love went into this release!

Special thanks to all our folks working so hard to make this release happen!

  • Josh Brower
  • Jason Ertel
  • Wes Lambert
  • Josh Patterson
  • Mike Reeves
  • William Wernert


Tuesday, May 19, 2020

securityonion-capme - 20121213-0ubuntu0securityonion79 resolves a Reflected XSS vulnerability

Kevin Breen responsibly disclosed a Reflected XSS vulnerability in CapMe. We've improved input validation to address this vulnerability and the following package is now available:

securityonion-capme - 20121213-0ubuntu0securityonion79

These updates should resolve the following issues:

securityonion-capme: improve input validation in functions.php #1767

2020-05-19 10:13 AM Eastern
Received email from Kevin Breen detailing the Reflected XSS vulnerability.

2020-05-19 10:15 AM Eastern
Acknowledged email.

2020-05-19 10:48 AM Eastern
Sent patch to Kevin for verification.

2020-05-19 12:21 PM Eastern
Received verification from Kevin and began the publishing process.

Thanks to Kevin Breen for responsibly disclosing this vulnerability!

Please see the following page for full update instructions:

Need support?  Please see:

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

20200501 Edition of Security Onion Documentation printed book now available!

Many folks have asked for a printed version of our official online documentation and we're excited to provide that!  Whether you work on airgapped networks or simply want a portable reference that doesn't require an Internet connection or batteries, this is what you've been asking for.

Thanks to Richard Bejtlich for writing the inspiring foreword!

Proceeds go to the Rural Technology Fund!

This 20200501 edition has been updated for our latest ISO image release and includes a 20% discount code for our on-demand training!

This book covers the following Security Onion topics:

  • Getting Started
  • Analyst Tools
  • Network Visibility
  • Host Visibility
  • Elastic Stack
  • Updating
  • Customizing for your Environment
  • Tuning
  • Tricks and Tips
  • Services
  • Utilities
  • Help
  • Integrations


What is the difference between this book and the online documentation?

This book is the online documentation formatted specifically for print.  It also includes an inspiring foreword by Richard Bejtlich that is not available anywhere else!  Proceeds go to the Rural Technology Fund!  Finally, the printed book includes a 20% discount code for our on-demand training.

Who should get this book?

You should get this book if you work on airgapped networks or simply want a portable reference that doesn't require an Internet connection or batteries! Also anyone who wants to donate to a worthy cause like Rural Technology Fund!

How often will the book be updated?

Currently, we plan to release a new edition of the book every time we release a new version of our ISO image.

What is the difference between this edition and the previous edition?

This edition has been updated for our latest ISO image release!

Where do we get it?

The following URL will always take you to the latest version of the printed book at Amazon:

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Zeek 3.0.6 now available for Security Onion!

The following updates are now available for Security Onion!

securityonion-bro - 3.0.6-1ubuntu1securityonion1 (Zeek 3.0.6)
securityonion-bro-afpacket - 1.3.0-1ubuntu1securityonion23
securityonion-bro-scripts - 20121004-0ubuntu0securityonion106

These updates should resolve the following issues:

Zeek 3.0.6 #1764

Thanks to the Zeek team for Zeek 3.0.6!
Thanks to Wes Lambert for testing and QA!

Please see the following page for full update instructions:

Need support?  Please see:

You can find our documentation here:

Also, we're now offering a printed copy of our official documentation with foreword by Richard Bejtlich and proceeds going to Rural Technology Fund:

Security Onion Solutions is the only official authorized training provider for Security Onion.  For more information about our training classes, please see:

We now offer hardware appliances!  For more information, please see:


Monday, May 4, 2020

Security Onion ISO image now available featuring Zeek 3.0.5, Suricata 4.1.8, Elastic 6.8.8, CyberChef 9.20.3, and more!

Our Security Onion ISO image is now available!

Security Onion boot menu

Major Changes Since Last ISO Image

  • Zeek 3.0.5
  • Suricata 4.1.8
  • Elastic 6.8.8
  • CyberChef 9.20.3

Thanks to Wes Lambert for testing this ISO image!

Package Updates
This release also includes the following updated packages:
securityonion-web-page - 20141015-0ubuntu0securityonion107
pinguybuilder - 20180514-1ubuntu1securityonion23

These packages resolve the following issues:

Docs: add warnings and notes #1744

Update docs and cheat sheet for #1758

CyberChef 9.20.3 #1747

pinguybuilder: increment version to #1748

Issues Resolved
For a list of all issues resolved in this release, please see:

Release Notes
For more information about this release, please see:

Installation Guide
We've updated the Installation guide to reflect the download locations for the new ISO image:

Existing Deployments
If you have existing 16.04 installations, there is no need to download the new ISO image.  You can simply continue using our standard update process to install updated packages as they are made available:

If you have existing installations of Security Onion 14.04, you can upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04:

You can find our documentation here:

Also, we're now offering a printed copy of our official documentation with foreword by Richard Bejtlich and proceeds going to Rural Technology Fund:

Need support?  Please see:

Security Onion Solutions is the only official authorized training provider for Security Onion:

We now offer hardware appliances!  For more information, please see:

Screenshot Tour
ISO boot menu 
Once the Live Desktop appears, double-click the Install icon and follow the prompts

Once you've completed the installer and rebooted, login using the username and password you created in the installer

After logging in, you are prompted to run Setup

Setup can now run interactively via CLI and sosetup-minimal can be used to minimize RAM and CPU usage

Welcome to Setup

Configure network interfaces

If your hostname is securityonion, Setup gives you the opportunity to rename it

Configure your network interfaces, reboot, then log back in

Launch Setup again and skip network configuration to go to service configuration

sosetup-minimal can run Evaluation Mode in 4GB RAM

Confirm sniffing interface

Create username
Create Password

Confirm Password

Confirm all options

Setup complete

Desktop no longer prompts to run Setup and includes icons for analyst applications 
The README shortcut includes links to the cheat sheet and online and offline documentation

CyberChef 9.20.3

Single Sign On (SSO) for Squert, CapMe, and Kibana
sosetup-minimal can run Evaluation Mode in only 4GB RAM

Analyze IDS alerts using Squert

Retrieve full packet capture with CapMe

Kibana Overview Dashboard


Zeek Notices

HIDS Alerts from OSSEC/Wazuh

NIDS Alerts from Snort or Suricata
Zeek Connections

Zeek Total Bytes


Zeek DNP3

Zeek DNS

Zeek Files

Zeek FTP


Zeek Intel

Zeek IRC

Zeek Modbus

Zeek MySQL


Zeek PE

Zeek RDP

Zeek RFB

Zeek SIP

Zeek SMB



Zeek Software

Zeek SSH

Zeek SSL

Zeek Syslog

Zeek Tunnels

Zeek Weird

Zeek X.509

OSSEC/Wazuh Logs

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