Tuesday, July 8, 2014

New securityonion-pulledpork and securityonion-rule-update packages

I've updated our securityonion-pulledpork package to PulledPork 0.7.0.  I also applied a patch from Will Metcalf to allow PulledPork to request ET rules using the proper Suricata version number.  Additionally, the new version of PulledPork required a slight change to rule-update.

The updated package versions are as follows:
securityonion-pulledpork - 0.7.0-0ubuntu0securityonion5
securityonion-rule-update - 20120726-0ubuntu0securityonion21

These new packages have been tested by the following (thanks!):
David Zawdie
Heine Lysemose
Mike Pilkington
Travis Schack

Issues Resolved

Issue 390: PulledPork 0.7.0

Issue 425: PulledPork should request ET rules using proper Suricata version

Issue 552: rule-update: run PulledPork with -P option to process tarball

The new packages are now available in our stable repo.  Please see the following page for full update instructions:

If you have any questions or problems, please use our security-onion mailing list:

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Need commercial support/training?  Please see:

Help Wanted
If you and/or your organization have found value in Security Onion, please consider giving back to the community by joining one of our teams:

We especially need help in answering support questions on the mailing list:

We also need help testing new packages:


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