Thursday, October 25, 2018

Introducing Security Onion Solutions appliances!

Over the last 10 years, we've tried to make Security Onion as easy to install as possible.  However, choosing the right hardware for your Security Onion deployment is often the most challenging aspect of the process.  We have listened to your feedback and are proud to offer Security Onion Solutions (SOS) hardware!  These specially tuned appliances allow security engineers to quickly deploy an entire Security Onion distributed architecture in their environment without the worry of hardware compatibility. 

SOS appliances easily plug into an existing architecture and can be mixed and matched for your specific deployment.  Still want to run your own hardware?  No problem!  Security Onion still remains free and open source!

You can find more information about SOS appliances at and reach out to us using the contact information there.


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Happy 10th Birthday, Security Onion!

The Security Onion platform was officially announced on October 22, 2008:

Happy 10th Birthday, Security Onion, and thanks to the community for 10 years of support!

pinguybuilder - 20180514-1ubuntu1securityonion12 now available for Security Onion 16.04!

The following package is now available:
pinguybuilder - 20180514-1ubuntu1securityonion12

This should resolve the following issues:

pinguybuilder: increment version to #1320

Thanks to Wes Lambert for testing this new package!

Please see the following page for full update instructions:

We have a 4-day Security Onion training class coming up in San Antonio, Texas!  If you can't make it to this onsite class, we have a new online training platform!  For more information and other training options, please see:

Need support?  Please see:


securityonion-iso - 20151016-1ubuntu1securityonion27 now available for Security Onion 16.04!

The following package is now available:
securityonion-iso - 20151016-1ubuntu1securityonion27

This should resolve the following issues:

so-iso-build: remove /var/ossec/etc/sslmanager* #1339

Thanks to Wes Lambert for testing this new package!

Please see the following page for full update instructions:

We have a 4-day Security Onion training class coming up in San Antonio, Texas!  If you can't make it to this onsite class, we have a new online training platform!  For more information and other training options, please see:

Need support?  Please see:


Monday, October 22, 2018

Pictures from Security Onion Conference 2018

Security Onion Conference 2018 was an overwhelming success!

Thanks to these fine folks for all of their hard work behind the scenes!
Phil Plantamura
Mike Reeves
Wes Lambert
Dustin Lee
Mike McDargh
Mike Stokes
Pete Di Giorgio

Thanks to our amazing speakers!
David Bianco
Brad Duncan
Mark Baggett
Don Murdoch
Josh Brower
Mark Jeamougin

Thanks to our generous sponsors!
Network Defense
Cisco Talos
No Starch Press
Midbit Technologies

Thanks to all our attendees for being a part of the Security Onion community!

Hope to see you there next year!

You can click on individual pictures below for larger version.

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