
Do you want to...

... learn more about Security Onion?

... get the most out of your Security Onion deployment?

... catch more bad guys and catch them faster?

We are currently offering a training class that covers the following topics:

  • Installation
  • Configuration
  • Analyzing Alerts
  • Hunting
  • Production Deployment
  • Tuning
  • Case Studies

What do former students say about this class?
"I highly, HIGHLY recommend attending this class.  I attended the class in Houston and it was excellent.
Doug is very knowledgeable and has an informal style of instruction that keeps the class interesting and encourages interaction with the students, and is not simply a 16 hour lecture.
I also met many interesting people and made some new contacts. All in all, if this class comes anywhere near me again ... I'll be going if I have to host a bake sale to get there."
-- Jake Sallee 

When/where is this class being offered?

Please see our new company site:


Anonymous said...

Hi Doug,

Your getting closer to me. Any plans on doing a Seattle or Portland training session?



Doug Burks said...

Hi Eddy,

The only west coast class currently planned is in Sacramento.

donutpuncher said...

Hi Doug - any plans to go global? London would be a great place to start

Doug Burks said...

Hi donutpuncher,

I'm considering doing an online (virtual) class in the future. Would that work for you?

donutpuncher said...

I'd be interested. Be easier to justify to my boss than flying out to the U.S.

socrates said...

I would also opt for a class in London. Virtual class would only be a "fallback" for me.

Chris said...

I would also be interested in a London course. A virtual class would also be a fallback if not.

Unknown said...

Hi Doug,
Do you have any classes scheduled yet back on the east coast in August or in September coming up?

Doug Burks said...

Hi sweetpete Keo,

This page shows all classes currently scheduled.

Anonymous said...

I would be interested in an online course.

Anonymous said...

A couple of us are interested from down under from Australia.
An online session could be good, subject to time.


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