Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Security Onion Conference 2016 CFP

Security Onion Conference 2016 will be held in Augusta GA on Friday September 9 (please mark your calendar!).  This is the day before BSides Augusta, so you may want to plan on attending both:

I'll publish more details about the Security Onion Conference as they are finalized.

We want to hear from you!

How are you...
...using Security Onion to fight evil?
...handling lots of traffic using Security Onion?
...integrating Security Onion with other technologies?
...automating common tasks with your own scripts?

Each talk should be 30 minutes with an additional 10 minutes for questions.

March 9 - CFP Open
June 1 - CFP Closed
July 1 - Speakers selected and notified
September 9 - Security Onion Conference

UPDATE 2016/06/02 - CFP is now closed!  Thanks to all who submitted!

UPDATE 2016/06/30 - Registration is now open and speaker lineup has been published!

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