In 2018, Security Onion Solutions started working on the next major version of Security Onion, code-named Hybrid Hunter:
We recently dropped the Hybrid Hunter code name and announced 2.0 (RC1) and 2.1 (RC2). Today, we are proud to release Security Onion 2.2 (Release Candidate 3)! It has some amazing new features and improvements!
First, we have a new so-analyst script that will optionally install a GNOME desktop environment, Chromium web browser, NetworkMiner, Wireshark, and many other analyst tools.
Next, we've collapsed Hunt filter icons and action links into a new quick action bar that will appear when you click a field value. Actions include:
- Filtering the hunt query
- Pivot to PCAP
- Create an alert in TheHive
- Google search for the value
- Analyze the value on
Finally, we've greatly improved support for airgap deployments. There is more work to be done in the next release, but we're getting closer!
Release Candidate
This is our third Release Candidate for the new 2.x platform, so we're getting closer to a final release, but we're not quite there yet. Please be reminded of the usual pre-release warnings and disclaimers:
- If this breaks your system, you get to keep both pieces!
- This is a work in progress and is in constant flux.
- This configuration may change drastically over time leading up to the final release.
- Do NOT run this on a system that you care about!
- Do NOT run this on a system that has data that you care about!
- This script should only be run on a TEST box with TEST data!
- Use of this script may result in nausea, vomiting, or a burning sensation.
We've started migrating our documentation to 2.2:
However, this is a work in progress and some documentation may be missing or incorrect. Please let us know if you notice any issues.
Existing Installations
If you have an existing 2.0 (RC1 or RC2) installation, please see the soup page on our documentation site:
New Installations
If you want to do a new installation, please review the 2.2 documentation and then you can find instructions here:
Questions or Problems
If you have questions or problems, please see:
Known Issues
Changes from Previous Releases
Lots of love went into this release!
Special thanks to all our folks working so hard to make this release happen!
- Josh Brower
- Jason Ertel
- Wes Lambert
- Josh Patterson
- Mike Reeves
- Bryant Treacle
- William Wernert
Screenshot Tour
The screenshots below show the new Analyst Workstation running on an Import node in a minimal VM with only 4GB RAM!
ISO Boot Menu
ISO Installer
Reboot, login, and configure the system
Set hostname
Select management NIC
Configure management NIC
Configure networking
Configure networking |
Configure networking |
Configure networking |
Configure networking |
Configure HOME_NET
Create User Account
Set Password
Confirm Password
Specify access method
Run so-allow
Specify IP address or range to allow through host-based firewall
Confirm options and proceed
Setup complete
so-analyst complete
Select username
Enter password to Sign in to GNOME Desktop
so-analyst includes Chromium, NetworkMiner, Wireshark, and more!
Logs from so-import-pcap
New Quick Action Bar
PCAP overview
PCAP transcript
Downloading the pcap, opening with NetworkMiner, and extracting the malicious file
All this in a minimal VM with only 4GB of RAM!